Becoming a Fairview & District Victim Services Board Member
Role of Volunteer Board Members
The Fairview & District Victim Services Board of Directors meets once a month, usually not for more than two hours. Board members do not meet in July or August. Our program aims to have representation from all areas of the Fairview Region.
There are a number of positions on the Board, including President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and several Director positions. Terms for Board members are two-years in length and these can be renewed if desired.
Although we have a few projects a year that may require extra time, most Board members say that realistically their time commitment to Victim Services rarely exceeds three hours a month.
We encourage people with a variety of backgrounds and experiences to become Board members as this diversity contributes to the quality of our program and our Board.
Fairview & District Victim Service Board Members must satisfy a Criminal Record check. Board Members do not have access to victim files and are not involved in the day-to-day operation of our Victim Services Unit. Training is provided to Board members by Alberta Justice & Solicitor General. This training is now available online.
Board Members also help Volunteer Advocates raise awareness of our Victim Services unit at different events throughout the year. This includes events such as Trade Shows and community registration nights in the fall. The Board is also responsible for ensuring that our program has the required funds to continue to operate. The Board assists the Program Manager in completing Grant applications, sustaining municipal funding and assisting with one-time events. Raising awareness about Victim Services has generated significantly more donations to the program and helped alleviate some of the responsibility of organizing fundraising events.
Please contact our VSU Coordinator for more information about the Board of Directors or to inquire about joining our team.